String Thing – Tennis String Straightening Device

In the video below, I review a new tennis string straightening device called, The String Thing. As I state in the video, this is a really cool, unique, and useful device for keeping your strings as straight as possible – in an effort to maintain control on all shots. If you use monofilament synthetic gut strings, multifilament synthetic gut strings, natural gut strings, or a hybrid with any of these types of strings, then you could be someone who benefits from The String Thing. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for checking in.


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  1. Jacky Cheong says:

    Hi David, hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Btw, great site and always enjoy watching your new updates and videos. Just watched your video review on the String Thing. Very through review and research.

    I had a fellow friend and stringer also do a review and write-up back in February on this device too:

    However, his review was a bit more mixed – maybe he was trying an earlier version of the device or maybe was using the open vs dense version of the tool? Can you address any of his points about it not being so good for the cross strings? I did post a “counter-point” link to your video at the bottom of my post just to have more than one opinion too.


  2. dieta says:

    Stringing your tennis racquet is something that most tennis players do at least once a year, but for those of us that play 2 or 3 times week we string our racquets more like 3 times a year. The more spin you hit, the more likely you will wear out your tennis string. Guys like Rafael Nadal put so much spin on the tennis ball that they are more likely to break strings. With 100’s of different types and makers of tennis strings, it’s not easy these days to choose the right kind for your game. There are really two main categories of strings – synthetic strings and natural gut . The pros are the ones using natural gut since it has excellent tension stability and elasticity but the stuff is darn expensive and probably not a good choice for beginners or even intermediate players. Natural gut is made from the intestine of a cow. It used to be that getting natural gut wet would ruin the strings, but manufacturers now put a protective coating on them so they function and perform just fine in damp conditions. The durability of natural gut is still not considered as good as say kevlar or polyester strings. The best known natural gut strings are Babolat VS Team, Klip Legend, Bow Brand Championship and Pacific Prime Gut and each is slightly different in quality.

  3. David Henry says:

    Thanks for sharing.


  4. David Henry says:

    Hey JC. Sorry for the late response. You comment was flagged as Spam for some reason, so I didn’t see it until today. I did not try the String Thing on crosses, so I can’t comment. I did notice this… When running it up and down on the mains on some racquets, the crosses became misaligned. In talking with String Thing USA, they suggested just using one stroke of the String Thing in one direction only. When I did this, it seemed to straighten the mains, and it didn’t seem to mess up the crosses.

    I hope all is well with you. Thanks for reaching out.

    Take care.


  5. […] tennis string straightening devices. If you haven’t already seen it, please check out my video review of the String Thing. Thanks for String Thing USA for providing the two devices, and congrats to the […]