RSSArchive for August, 2010

Video: Prince Synthetic Gut

Tweet Prince Synthetic Gut, the best-selling string of all-time, comes in various colors.  Be aware, however, that not all color versions play the exact same.  Watch this video to learn more. Thanks for checkng in. DH

Video: Tennis Stringing Experiment: 1 Piece vs. 2 Piece

Tweet Check out this video I created to show the results of a stringing experiment I conducted to determine if there is a differrence in Dynamic Tension (DT) between a one piece stringjob and a two piece stringjob. Interesting. Thanks for checking in. DH

Video: How Straight Are Your Crosses?

Tweet When you get a freshly strung racquet back from your stringer, how straight are your crosses? I believe it is a sign of stringing professionalism for stringers to return a racquet to a client with perfectly straight strings. Check out this video to learn more. Thanks for checking in. DH